Why Influencer Marketing Needs to Feel Real

Moussa Mazouzi
2 min readApr 29, 2024


Photo by George Milton

Ever scroll through social media and feel like you’re being bombarded by ads disguised as content? Yeah, us too. That’s the thing about traditional influencer marketing — sometimes it feels a little… forced.

But what if influencer marketing could be different? What if it felt more like catching up with friends in a group chat, sharing genuine recommendations, and just having a good vibe? That’s the magic of influencer marketing done right.

Because the best influencer marketing doesn’t feel like marketing at all.

Think about it. When a friend raves about a new restaurant or a must-have app, you listen, right? You trust their opinion because it comes from a place of genuine experience and excitement. That’s the power influencers wield when they truly love a product. Their endorsement feels natural, authentic, and most importantly, trustworthy.

Forget the hard sell, focus on building connections.

The key to successful influencer marketing isn’t about pushing a product down someone’s throat. It’s about fostering relationships and creating content that resonates with the audience. This means finding influencers who embody the brand’s values and can seamlessly integrate the product into their existing content style.

Think casual product mentions in funny skits, relatable stories about how the product solves a problem, or even behind-the-scenes glimpses featuring the brand. When influencers showcase a product in a way that feels natural and valuable to their audience, that’s when the marketing magic happens. Remember, people connect with people, and genuine connections are what drive results.

So, the next time you’re considering influencer marketing, ditch the sales pitch. Look for partners who can create that “group chat vibes” feel. Because when influencer marketing feels real, that’s when it truly shines.



Moussa Mazouzi

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