Hector Quintanilla

10 bad habits you should STOP immediately:

  1. Stop pleasing everyone. Follow your own convictions, NOT what others expect from you.
  2. Stop pampering yourself. Growth is found OUTSIDE your comfort zone.
  3. Stop being distracted. We are the most distracted generation in history. No FOCUS, no results.
  4. Stop relying on others. Your mama won’t save you anymore. NOTHING is free in life. Take accountability for your future.
  5. Stop expecting instant satisfaction. Patience, PERSISTENCE and perspiration are your best friends.
  6. Stop relying on motivation to act. Create the daily HABITS that will lead to achieving your goals.
  7. Stop abusing your body. Eat HEALTHY, and you will look healthy, feel healthy and think healthily. Eat junk and you will feel like junk.
  8. Stop surrounding yourself with negative people. We can’t change people, but we CAN change the people that we surround ourselves with.
  9. Stop resisting change. Staying stuck in the past has PAINFUL consequences.
  10. Stop fearing failure. If you are not failing, you are not trying HARD enough.

Research from 2012 looking at habit formation suggests 10 weeks, or about 2.5 months, is a more realistic estimate for most people. The main evidence-backed time frame for habit breaking comes from 2009 research , which suggests it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days.

Tips for success

Change isn’t easy, especially when it comes to habitual behavior.

Habits happen in loops. First, a reminder provides a cue for the behavior. Performing the behavior yields a reward. That reward reinforces the desire to continue the behavior. Rinse and repeat.

You can break that habit loop, though it might take some time. These tips can help you succeed.

Aim for small changes first

People often try to break several habits at once (especially at the beginning of a new year).

This approach sometimes works, especially if the habits occur together, like staying up late and watching a lot of TV.

It can be tough to make multiple changes at once, especially when addressing deep-seated behaviors.



Moussa Mazouzi

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