From a Psychologist, How to Rebound When Everything Goes Wrong

Moussa Mazouzi
3 min readJan 29, 2022
Photo by Thanh Duc PHAN on Unsplash

We’ve all had those days (or months or years, for that matter) when everything seems to be going wrong. They threaten to knock us down and prevent us from progressing. Times like this might catch us off guard, but we can emerge much wiser and stronger as a result. When everything seems to be going wrong, here are some top do’s, don’ts, and things to remember.

9 things to remember.

1-Everything, even everything, is transient.
2-Happiness stems from your attitude toward life, not from what occurs to you.
3-The things in your life that are going well, even if they seem insignificant.
4-The ones that are rooting for you.
5-What matters the most to you and what you can let go of.
6-How you react is ultimately up to you.
7-Your ability to persevere in the face of adversity in other areas.
8-Bad times don’t define you; it’s how you handle them that does.
9-Worrying, anger, grumbling, denial, or any of the countless other ways we try to avoid discomfort when things go wrong won’t help.

13 things not to do.

1-Freak out or get ahead of yourself.
2-Start blaming and criticizing right away.
3-Pull out your lashes.
4-Numb yourself or self-destruct.
5-Ignore your own wants.
6-Ignore your gut instincts.
7-Rather than focusing on what is, consider what may have been.
8-Make an effort to control what you can’t control.
9-Remind yourself of all the other horrible things that have occurred to you in the past.
10-Ask “what if” or “why me” without also reminding yourself of what’s 11–11-possible 11-and what makes you strong.
12-Pay attention to other people’s viewpoints since they represent the speaker, not you.
13-Concern yourself with people you are or aren’t impressing.
Isolate yourself or others if you want to be alone.

And There are 28 things to do.

1-Accept, accept, accept.
2-Remain in the present. Rather of stressing about the future or obsessing on the past, concentrate on what is occurring right now and what you can accomplish right now.
3-Focus on realistic expectations for yourself and the situation.
4-Separate what you can alter from what you can’t.
5-Take one step at a time. Keep pushing forward, even if it’s just small steps.
6-Rather of focusing on the worst-case scenario, consider the alternatives.
7-Keep an eye out for the lesson. Challenging circumstances may frequently teach us what we need to know.
8-Maintain a positive outlook by focusing on solutions, talents, and abilities.
9-Begin small.
10-Spend time with those who are supportive of you.
11-Appreciate the good times, relish the little joys, and look for the -hidden gifts in the bad times.
12-Look for yourself.
13-Be kind to yourself and respect yourself.
14-Rejuvenate rather than simply tuning out or unplugging.
15-Ask for assistance as soon as possible.
16-Consult a professional or seek a second view.
17-Continue to take the actions necessary to achieve your goals in life.
18-Take another person’s perspective on the problem.
19-Let it stand the test of time. Consider whether this means the same thing in one, five, or ten years.
20-Get your body moving, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.
21-Laugh. Take in a comedy. Make a call to a vivacious pal. Consider the issue in the context of a stand-up act.
22-Assist someone who is in need.
23-Write. Write about a happier moment in your life, vent your anger about this predicament, or discuss ways to get out of it.
24-Find a way to express yourself creatively.
25-Read and reread other people’s motivating, inspiring, or encouraging statements.
26-Go outside and be inspired. Keep an eye on the sun as it rises or sets. Pay attention to the birds. Take it all in to get a sense of scale.
27-Take a moment to gather your thoughts. Assess the damage, figure out what can and can’t be done, or simply get out of the way.
28-Decide on one major aim to work on in order to create a long-term difference.



Moussa Mazouzi

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